

:super = ** cascaded-coords**
:slots parray carray narray curvature pcolor psize awidth asize box height width view-coords drawnormalmode transparent tcarray
:init = `[method]
&rest args &key = ((:points mat)) ((:colors cary)) ((:normals nary)) ((:curvatures curv)) ((:height ht)) ((:width wd)) (point-color (float-vector 0 1 0)) (point-size 2.0) (fill) (arrow-width 2.0) (arrow-size 0.0)

Create point cloud object

:size-change &optional wd ht

change width and height, this method does not change points data

:points &optional pts wd ht

replace points, pts should be list of points or n\(times\) matrix

:colors &optional cls

replace colors, cls should be list of points or n\(times\) matrix

:normals &optional nmls

replace normals by, nmls should be list of points or n\(times\)3 matrix

:point-list &optional (remove-nan)

return list of points

:color-list **

return list of colors

:normal-list **

return list of normals

:centroid **

retrun centroid of this point cloud

:append point-list &key (create t)

append point cloud list to this point cloud.
if :create is true, return appended point cloud and original point cloud does not change.
:filter = `[method]
&rest args &key = create &allow-other-keys
this method can take the same keywords with :filter-with-indices method.
if :create is true, return filtered point cloud and original point cloud does not change.
:filter-with-indices = `[method]
idx-lst &key = (create) (negative)
filter point cloud with list of index (points which are indicated by indices will remain).
if :create is true, return filtered point cloud and original point cloud does not change.
if :negative is true, points which are indicated by indices will be removed.
:filtered-indices = `[method]
&key = key ckey nkey pckey pnkey pcnkey negative &allow-other-keys
create list of index where filter function retrun true.
key, ckey, nkey are filter function for points, colors, normals. They are expected to take one argument and return t or nil.
pckey, pnkey are filter function for points and colors, points and normals. They are expected to take two arguments and return t or nil.
pcnkey is filter function for points, colors and normals. It is expected to take three arguments and return t or nil.
:step = `[method]
step &key = (fixsize) (create)

downsample points with step

:copy-from pc

update object by pc

:transform-points coords &key (create)

transform points and normals with coords.
if :create is true, return transformed point cloud and original point cloud does not change.

:convert-to-world &key (create)

transform points and normals with self coords. converted points data should be at the same position as displayed

:move-origin-to neworigin &key (create)

origin of point cloud is moved to neworigin. moved points data should be at the same position as displayed

:reset-box **

:box **

:vertices **

:size **

:width **

:height **

:view-coords &optional vc

:curvatures &optional curv

:curvature-list **

:set-color col &optional (_transparent)

:point-color &optional pc

:point-size &optional ps

:axis-length &optional al

:axis-width &optional aw

:clear-color **

:clear-normal **

:nfilter &rest args

:viewangle-inlier &key (min-z 0.0) (hangle 44.0) (vangle 35.0)

:image-position-inlier &key (ipkey) (height 144) (width 176) (cy (/ (float (- height 1)) 2)) (cx (/ (float (- width 1)) 2)) negative

:image-circle-filter dist &key (height 144) (width 176) (cy (/ (float (- height 1)) 2)) (cx (/ (float (- width 1)) 2)) create negative

:step-inlier step offx offy

:generate-color-histogram-hs &key (h-step 9) (s-step 7) (hlimits (cons 360.0 0.0)) (vlimits (cons 1.0 0.15)) (slimits (cons 1.0 0.25)) (rotate-hue) (color-scale 255.0) (sizelimits 1)

:set-offset cds &key (create)

:drawnormalmode &optional mode

:transparent &optional trs

:draw vwer

:move-origin-to neworigin &key (create)

origin of point cloud is moved to neworigin. moved points data should be at the same position as displayed

:convert-to-world &key (create)

transform points and normals with self coords. converted points data should be at the same position as displayed

:transform-points coords &key (create)

transform points and normals with coords.
if :create is true, return transformed point cloud and original point cloud does not change.

:copy-from pc

update object by pc

:step = `[method]
step &key = (fixsize) (create)

downsample points with step

:filtered-indices = `[method]
&key = key ckey nkey pckey pnkey pcnkey negative &allow-other-keys
create list of index where filter function retrun true.
key, ckey, nkey are filter function for points, colors, normals. They are expected to take one argument and return t or nil.
pckey, pnkey are filter function for points and colors, points and normals. They are expected to take two arguments and return t or nil.
pcnkey is filter function for points, colors and normals. It is expected to take three arguments and return t or nil.
:filter-with-indices = `[method]
idx-lst &key = (create) (negative)
filter point cloud with list of index (points which are indicated by indices will remain).
if :create is true, return filtered point cloud and original point cloud does not change.
if :negative is true, points which are indicated by indices will be removed.
:filter = `[method]
&rest args &key = create &allow-other-keys
this method can take the same keywords with :filter-with-indices method.
if :create is true, return filtered point cloud and original point cloud does not change.

:append point-list &key (create t)

append point cloud list to this point cloud.
if :create is true, return appended point cloud and original point cloud does not change.

:centroid **

retrun centroid of this point cloud

:normal-list **

return list of normals

:color-list **

return list of colors

:point-list &optional (remove-nan)

return list of points

:normals &optional nmls

replace normals by, nmls should be list of points or n\(times\)3 matrix

:colors &optional cls

replace colors, cls should be list of points or n\(times\) matrix

:points &optional pts wd ht

replace points, pts should be list of points or n\(times\) matrix

:size-change &optional wd ht

change width and height, this method does not change points data

:init = `[method]
&rest args &key = ((:points mat)) ((:colors cary)) ((:normals nary)) ((:curvatures curv)) ((:height ht)) ((:width wd)) (point-color (float-vector 0 1 0)) (point-size 2.0) (fill) (arrow-width 2.0) (arrow-size 0.0)

Create point cloud object

:draw vwer

:transparent &optional trs

:drawnormalmode &optional mode

:set-offset cds &key (create)

:generate-color-histogram-hs &key (h-step 9) (s-step 7) (hlimits (cons 360.0 0.0)) (vlimits (cons 1.0 0.15)) (slimits (cons 1.0 0.25)) (rotate-hue) (color-scale 255.0) (sizelimits 1)

:step-inlier step offx offy

:image-circle-filter dist &key (height 144) (width 176) (cy (/ (float (- height 1)) 2)) (cx (/ (float (- width 1)) 2)) create negative

:image-position-inlier &key (ipkey) (height 144) (width 176) (cy (/ (float (- height 1)) 2)) (cx (/ (float (- width 1)) 2)) negative

:viewangle-inlier &key (min-z 0.0) (hangle 44.0) (vangle 35.0)

:nfilter &rest args

:clear-normal **

:clear-color **

:axis-width &optional aw

:axis-length &optional al

:point-size &optional ps

:point-color &optional pc

:set-color col &optional (_transparent)

:curvature-list **

:curvatures &optional curv

:view-coords &optional vc

:height **

:width **

:size **

:vertices **

:box **

:reset-box **

make-random-pointcloud &key (num 1000) (with-color) (with-normal) (scale 100.0)