

Default irtviewer

Default irtviewer


(send *irtviewer* :draw-floor 100)
(send *irtviewer* :draw-objects)
Irtviewer with floor grid

Irtviewer with floor grid


(send *irtviewer* :change-background (float-vector 1 1 1))
(send *irtviewer* :draw-floor 100)
(send *irtviewer* :floor-color #f(0 0 0))
(send *irtviewer* :draw-objects)
Irtviewer with white background and floor grid

Irtviewer with white background and floor grid


:super = ** propertied-object**
:slots geometry::eye geometry::port geometry::surface


:super = ** x:panel**
:slots x::viewer x::objects x::draw-things x::previous-cursor-pos x::left-right-angle x::up-down-angle x::viewpoint x::viewtarget x::drawmode x::draw-origin x::draw-floor x::floor-color x::image-sequence x::logging-flag

:draw-origin &optional (x::tmp-draw-origin :null)

get/set draw-origin

:draw-floor &optional (x::tmp-draw-floor :null)

get/set draw-floor

:floor-color &optional (x::tmp-floor-color :null)

get/set floor-color

:logging &optional (x::flag :on)

start/stop logging
:clear Clear log
:start Start logging
:restart Stop and restart logging
:stop Stop logging
:save-mpeg = `[method]
&key = (fname anim.mpg) (x::delay 5) (delete t)
’:save-mpeg’ saves logged images as mpeg.
To start image log, run ’:logging :start’ and to stop log, run ’:logging :stop’.
Note that ’:logging :stop’ did not clear the logged sequence, so you need to run
’:logging :clear’.
:save-anmigif’ did not stop nor clear the image sequence, so you have to run them manuualy
:save-animgif = `[method]
&key = (fname anim.gif) (x::delay 5) (x::transparent t) (loop t) (delete t)
’:save-anmigif’ saves logged images as animation gif.
To start image log, run ’:logging :start’ and to stop log, run ’:logging :stop’.
Note that ’:logging :stop’ did not clear the logged sequence, so you need to run
’:logging :clear’.
:save-anmigif’ did not stop nor clear the image sequence, so you have to run them manuualy

:save-image x::filename

save curent view to image, supported formats are jpg/png/pnm

:create &rest args &key (x::title IRT viewer) (x::view-name (gensym title)) (x::hither 200.0) (x::yon 50000.0) (x::width 500) (x::height 500) ((:draw-origin do) 150) ((:draw-floor x::df) nil) ((:floor-color x::fc) #f(1.0 1.0 1.0)) (x::call-super t) &allow-other-keys

:viewer &rest args

:redraw **

:expose x:event

:resize x::newwidth x::newheight

:configurenotify x:event

:viewtarget &optional x::p

:viewpoint &optional x::p

:look1 &optional (x::vt x::viewtarget) (x::lra x::left-right-angle) (x::uda x::up-down-angle)

:look-all &optional x::bbox

:move-viewing-around-viewtarget x:event x::x x::y x::dx x::dy x::vwr

:set-cursor-pos-event x:event

:move-coords-event x:event

:draw-event x:event

:draw-objects &rest args

:objects &rest args

:select-drawmode x::mode

:flush **

:change-background x::col

:clear-log **

:push-image **

:clear-image-sequence **

:image-sequence **

:floor-color &optional (x::tmp-floor-color :null)

get/set floor-color

:draw-floor &optional (x::tmp-draw-floor :null)

get/set draw-floor

:draw-origin &optional (x::tmp-draw-origin :null)

get/set draw-origin

:change-background x::col

:flush **

:select-drawmode x::mode

:objects &rest args

:draw-objects &rest args

:draw-event x:event

:move-coords-event x:event

:set-cursor-pos-event x:event

:move-viewing-around-viewtarget x:event x::x x::y x::dx x::dy x::vwr

:look-all &optional x::bbox

:look1 &optional (x::vt x::viewtarget) (x::lra x::left-right-angle) (x::uda x::up-down-angle)

:viewpoint &optional x::p

:viewtarget &optional x::p

:configurenotify x:event

:resize x::newwidth x::newheight

:expose x:event

:redraw **

:viewer &rest args

:create &rest args &key (x::title IRT viewer) (x::view-name (gensym title)) (x::hither 200.0) (x::yon 50000.0) (x::width 500) (x::height 500) ((:draw-origin do) 150) ((:draw-floor x::df) nil) ((:floor-color x::fc) #f(1.0 1.0 1.0)) (x::call-super t) &allow-other-keys

:save-image x::filename

save curent view to image, supported formats are jpg/png/pnm

:save-animgif = `[method]
&key = (fname anim.gif) (x::delay 5) (x::transparent t) (loop t) (delete t)
’:save-anmigif’ saves logged images as animation gif.
To start image log, run ’:logging :start’ and to stop log, run ’:logging :stop’.
Note that ’:logging :stop’ did not clear the logged sequence, so you need to run
’:logging :clear’.
:save-anmigif’ did not stop nor clear the image sequence, so you have to run them manuualy
:save-animgif = `[method]
&key = (fname anim.gif) (x::delay 5) (x::transparent t) (loop t) (delete t)
’:save-anmigif’ saves logged images as animation gif.
To start image log, run ’:logging :start’ and to stop log, run ’:logging :stop’.
Note that ’:logging :stop’ did not clear the logged sequence, so you need to run
’:logging :clear’.
:save-anmigif’ did not stop nor clear the image sequence, so you have to run them manuualy
:save-mpeg = `[method]
&key = (fname anim.mpg) (x::delay 5) (delete t)
’:save-mpeg’ saves logged images as mpeg.
To start image log, run ’:logging :start’ and to stop log, run ’:logging :stop’.
Note that ’:logging :stop’ did not clear the logged sequence, so you need to run
’:logging :clear’.
:save-anmigif’ did not stop nor clear the image sequence, so you have to run them manuualy

:logging &optional (x::flag :on)

start/stop logging
:clear Clear log
:start Start logging
:restart Stop and restart logging
:stop Stop logging

:image-sequence **

:clear-image-sequence **

:push-image **

:clear-log **


:super = ** cascaded-coords**
:slots rot pos parent descendants worldcoords manager changed geometry::viewcoords


:super = ** propertied-object**
:slots nil

:nomethod &rest args


:super = ** propertied-object**
:slots objects draw-things

:nomethod &rest args

:objects &rest args


:super = ** propertied-object**
:slots irtviewer

:nomethod &rest args

:resize newwidth newheight

:create &rest args

:init &rest args

make-irtviewer &rest args

Create irtviewer
:view-name title
:hither near cropping plane
:yon far cropping plane
:width width of the window
:height height of the window
:draw-origin size of origin arrow, use nil to disable it
:draw-floor use t to view floor
:floor-color floor color. default is #f(1 1 1), i.e. white.

x::make-lr-ud-coords x::lra x::uda

x::make-mpeg-from-images x::mpgfile x::images &key (delete t) (x::delay 1)

x::make-animgif-from-images x::giffile x::images &key (delete t) x::transparent (loop t) (x::delay 10) (x::background 000000)

x::draw-things x::objs

objects &optional (objs t) vw

make-irtviewer-dummy &rest args

geometry::default-pixmapsurface &rest args

make-irtviewer-no-window &rest args